Baking soda is nontoxic and is considered a food. It is one of the few products that can be considered food for baking, a chemical for cleaning, and a deodorizer.
This is one item found in every almost every home and has become one of the top holistic and alternative methods for home remedies.
Following are only a few of the many beauty, health, and household hints, tips, and helpful home remedy uses:
The Kitchen home remedy uses:
- (a.) To remove stains from wooden bowls and utensils and to deodorize them, make a solution with the soda and water and then scrub.
- (b.) Gently boil water and the soda in pans that have baked on or dried on foods, let cool, and wipe clean.
- (c.) Remove stains on your laminate countertops by making a paste with the soda and water. Let dry and rinse.
- (a.) Clean a fresh greasy food stain on a cloth chair by sprinkling on the soda and salt, let sit for a few hours, then vacuum.
- (b.) Remove water spots on your wood floors by rubbing the spot with sponge that has a solution of baking soda mixed with water
- (c.) To get rid of musty smells in attics and closets, pour some of it into the toe of old panty hose.
- (a.) Sprinkle your dirty clothes to control the odor.
- (b.) Add 1/2 Cup baking soda with your bleach to boost the whitening power.
- (c.) Sprinkle it into athletic shoes and street shoes to control the odor and moisture.
- (a.) Add 1 teaspoon of the soda to your shampoo to remove buildup of sprays, conditioners, etc.
- (b.) Sprinkle it on your oily hair to use as a dry shampoo. Sprinkle, comb, blow dry.
- (c.) Remove fish or onion odor from your hands with a baking soda solution mixed with water.
- (a.) Sprinkle it around your tomato plants to sweeten them.
- (b.) To lengthen their life, dip cut flowers into baking soda and water solution.
- (a.) Sprinkle some on your dog, rub in, and brush out for a dry shampoo and to control odor on your pet.
- (b.) Cover a bee stink on your pet with a baking soda paste to relieve the pain.