Circuit Training is serial working out of the entire major muscle groups of the body during a training session. Beginners as well as experienced sportsmen use it. The purpose of this exercise is to train the whole body, especially the cardiovascular system and joints for weight sessions, and also to learn the training technical skills.
What is the best circuit training workout?
Training sessions for beginners differ:
• Only the basic exercises are used as a ground for the strength-build and body mass.
• It's reasonably practical to perform these basic exercises at the gym.
• All exercises are highly repetitive, that contributes to the maximum muscles load leading to its further growth.
• Curcuit trainings are used three times a week, each of them needs the alteration of exercises and sequence of the muscle groups workout. For example, if you begin one training session with the back workout, the beginning of the next one should start with the chest.
• Each exercise is for one muscle group. For the first time this exercise is performed for a set, not including warm-up. As your fitness grows, the number of sets may increase to two, then to three ones.
There is one of the best circuit training workout below.
First Stage Of Circuit Training (6-8 weeks)
We divide body muscles into several basic groups and work out each of them in series.
Press, calves and forearms are sufficiently loaded during the other muscle groups work out. Before performing each exercise you need to perform it as one or two warm-up sets with a lesser working weight.
The following exercises have the same regulations of 1x15-20
Regulations for all exercises 1x15-20
Second Stage Of Circuit Training (6-8 weeks)
The purpose of this step is the learning of free weights exercises skills and strength development. The amount of training sessions is the same, three times a week. Each of them is devoted to the all major muscle groups working out. For each muscle group is only sole exercise per workout. Due to the number of reps in a set will decrease to 10-15, the working weights will increase for all exercises. The number of working sets for each muscle group is to rise to two. There is need for average pace of performance, without any abrupt movements. Pauses between each set are of one and a half to two minutes. There is an approximate program for this stage of trainings:
What is the best circuit training workout?
Training sessions for beginners differ:
• Only the basic exercises are used as a ground for the strength-build and body mass.
• It's reasonably practical to perform these basic exercises at the gym.
• All exercises are highly repetitive, that contributes to the maximum muscles load leading to its further growth.
• Curcuit trainings are used three times a week, each of them needs the alteration of exercises and sequence of the muscle groups workout. For example, if you begin one training session with the back workout, the beginning of the next one should start with the chest.
• Each exercise is for one muscle group. For the first time this exercise is performed for a set, not including warm-up. As your fitness grows, the number of sets may increase to two, then to three ones.
There is one of the best circuit training workout below.
First Stage Of Circuit Training (6-8 weeks)
We divide body muscles into several basic groups and work out each of them in series.
Press, calves and forearms are sufficiently loaded during the other muscle groups work out. Before performing each exercise you need to perform it as one or two warm-up sets with a lesser working weight.
- Elevated Cable Rows 1x15-20
- Smith Machine Bench Press 1x15-20
- Machine Leg Press 1x15-20
- Lying Leg Curls 1x15-20
- Smith Machine Shoulder Press 1x15-20
- Barbells Curls Standing 1x15-20
- Cable Triceps Pushdown 1x15-20
The following exercises have the same regulations of 1x15-20
- Leverage Chest Press 1x15-20
- Hack Squat 1x15-20
- Hyperextensions 1x15-20
- Low Cable Face Pull 1x15-20
- Hammer Curls 1x15-20
- Cable Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 1x15-20
- Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown 1x15-20
Regulations for all exercises 1x15-20
- Machine Leg Extensions 1x15-20
- Lying Leg Curls 1x15-20
- Side Lateral Raise1x15-20
- Dumbbell Supine Bicep Curl Standing 1x15-20
- Dips 1x15-20
- Leverage Iso Row 1x15-20
- Smith Machine Incline Bench Press 1x15-20
Second Stage Of Circuit Training (6-8 weeks)
The purpose of this step is the learning of free weights exercises skills and strength development. The amount of training sessions is the same, three times a week. Each of them is devoted to the all major muscle groups working out. For each muscle group is only sole exercise per workout. Due to the number of reps in a set will decrease to 10-15, the working weights will increase for all exercises. The number of working sets for each muscle group is to rise to two. There is need for average pace of performance, without any abrupt movements. Pauses between each set are of one and a half to two minutes. There is an approximate program for this stage of trainings:
- Bent Over Barbell Row 2x10-15
- Barbell Bench Press 2x10-15
- Machine Leg Press 2x10-15
- Lying Leg Curls 2x10-15
- Smith Machine Shoulder Press 2x10-15
- Barbells Curls Standing 2x10-15
- Cable Triceps Pushdown 2x10-15
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 2x10-15
- Barbell Squats 2x10-15
- Hyperextensions With Weight 2x10-15
- Side Lateral Raise 2x10-15
- Hammer Curls 2x10-15
- JM Press 2x10-15
- Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown 2x10-15
- Machine Leg Extensions 2x10-15
- Barbell Deadlift 2x10-15
- Low Cable Face Pull 2x10-15
- Preacher Curls 2x10-15
- Lying Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Extension Behind The Head 2x10-15
- Elevated Cable Rows 2x10-15
- Incline Dumbbell Flyes 2x10-15
Top Workouts For Men
Circuit Training is serial working out of the entire major muscle groups of the body during a training session. Beginners as well as experienced sportsmen use it. The purpose of this exercise is to train the whole body, especially the cardiovascular system and joints for weight sessions, and also to learn the training technical skills. What is the best circuit training workout?
Circuit Training is serial working out of the entire major muscle groups of the body during a training session. Beginners as well as experienced sportsmen use it. The purpose of this exercise is to train the whole body, especially the cardiovascular system and joints for weight sessions, and also to learn the training technical skills. What is the best circuit training workout?