Height is considered to be one of the most essential characteristics of an individual. Furthermore, in this world where everything that matters is appearance, a person that pays a lot of attention to his looks and projection to others displays a lot of advantages. So if you're aiming to achieve your ideal height, it is essential to know the several factors influencing it.
Genetics is the major factor that determines what your height will be. The genes from you parents play an important key in determining your full height potential. The average height of the other family members and relatives may also be a good determinant of your future height.
Sometimes, a person may overcome his genes and grow taller than his parents. This occurs frequently but not always and is not applicable to everyone. It is more usual for an individual to achieve the average height of his mother and father. This fact causes a lot of frustration to many individuals since it is common knowledge that people want to surpass their parents in terms of height. On the other hand, if your parents have an average height of 6 feet or more, the individual probably will be thankful for this kind of blessing.
Another factor that determines your height is nutrition. Several studies have demonstrated that the nutrition that the child gets in his childhood may play a significant role in determining his future height.
In terms of growth and development, the most significant years are from being baby to around his second year. After this period, the relation between height and nutrition gradually diminish since the genetic make-up of the body will take over.
Nevertheless, do not make this let you think that nutrition has no effect on the growth rate of teenagers and young adults. Proper and balanced diet permits normal physiologic functions. The foods that we take serve as the body's energy source to make the bones longer and the muscles stronger. If there is deficiency in the food that we eat, the body will not develop because the nutrients absorbed will only be used for maintaining the current status of the body.
This delineates a line between having a greater amount of nutrients in the body for continuous growth in terms of height and having enough nutrients to maintain the body's normal processes.
Last but not the least is that the individual's lifestyle also influences height. This generally includes the following: his average quantity of sleep per night, his levels of stress per day, his stress management, etc.
Basically, as one gets older, the amount of time needed for sleep becomes lesser and lesser; still, this doesn't mean that it is permissible to just sleep for at least four hours a day. If you truly wish to achieve your maximal height, it is important to at least have a six-hour sleep per night. If you will be able to at least add just one or more hours to those six hours, your chances of improving your height in just a few years will be greater.
Patricia Ryan has researched extensively on height enhancement and is creator of Grow Taller Naturally online resource. For more information on growing taller nuturally visit her website.